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主页 » 投资 BC 省





Generally, the direct acquisition of an established business does not require government review. Transactions are subject to pre-merger review under the Investment Canada Act based on certain thresholds.

The indirect acquisition of a company doing business in B.C. – perhaps through the acquisition of a parent company – is subject to review:

  • 如果受影响的加拿大业务资产价值为 5000 万美元或以上
  • 如果加拿大企业占被收购公司资产的 50% 或以上
Doing Business in BC - Business people walking outdoors.

The B.C. Major Investments Office

International businesses are discovering the advantages of our open and diversified economy and are exploring opportunities to base their next major projects in British Columbia.

The Major Investments Office (MIO) acts as a primary government liaison for major B.C. investment projects with the potential to provide significant economic benefit to British Columbia communities.

MIO provides investors with concierge services to streamline government processes for large investments and helps to accelerate approvals across ministries.

《在 BC 省开展业务指南》

《在不列颠哥伦比亚省开展业务指南》可帮助企业查找与在不列颠哥伦比亚省 (B.C. 省) 创办和经营公司相关的法律法规、雇佣考虑因素、税务及商业惯例等一般信息。

Revelstoke 水电大坝
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 Revelstoke 市附近的 Revelstoke 大坝溢洪道

B.C. 省的主要项目

主要项目清单(MPI)包括 B.C. 省私营和公共部门建筑项目清单,估计资本成本为 1500 万(加元)或更高。


以下是 BC 省贸易与投资部收到的有关在 BC 省投资的一些常见问题。


BC 省贸易与投资部有助于促进外国直接投资,并在世界各地的市场拥有贸易与投资代表处。联系与您临近的代表处,寻求在不列颠哥伦比亚省投资的支持。